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Stainless steel snap latch hardware kit (AM series - flat cover enclosures)
Enclosure key lock kit
Enclosure carrying handle kit
Stainless steel twist latch hardware kit (AM series - flat cover enclosures)
Stainless steel snap latch hardware kit (AM-R series - raised cover enclosures)
Stainless steel twist latch hardware kit (AM-R series - raised cover enclosures)
Nonmetallic snap latch hardware kit (AMU and AMP series enclosures)
Stainless steel snap latch hardware kit (AMU and AMP series enclosures)
Stainless steel snap latch hardware kit (HMI cover kits and AMP1082 shallow Polyline)
Stainless steel twist latch hardware kit (AMU and AMP series enclosures)
Stainless steel mounting foot/bracket kit (AM743 and AM943 enclosures)
Stainless steel mounting foot/bracket kit (AM and AM-R series enclosures - 6x6 through 20x16)
Stainless steel mounting foot/bracket kit (Control series enclosures - 24x20 through 30x24)
Nonmetallic mounting foot/bracket kit (AMU and AMP series enclosures - 6x6 through 14x12)
Nonmetallic mounting foot/bracket kit (AMU and AMP series enclosures - 16x14 through 20x16)
Back panel screw kit (6x6 through 20x16 enclosures)
Back panel screw kit (24x20 through 30x24 enclosures)
Back panel screw kit (24x20 through 30x24 enclosures with 6 bosses)
Fiberglass mounting foot/bracket kit (AMXL4032 enclosures)
Hinge clip for AMP1860 and AMP1648 Polyline enclosures