What's New At Allied Moulded?

Allied Moulded remains The Contractor's Choice for residential outlet boxes and accessories in today's demanding electrical industry.


Steel Fan Support Boxes with or without Bar Hanger 9380 Steelfanboxes

Allied Moulded manufactures fan and fixture support boxes to address many applications. The latest addition to this extensive product line is the steel fan box and the bar-mounted steel fan box. These ceiling fixture/fan support boxes are rated for use in both 16" and 24" span ceiling joist applications and meet both UL® deflection and 2011 National Electric Code (Section 314.27) requirements. Both are for new work installations.



Floor Box Flip Lids

Floor Box Assemblies for Any Installation

Allied Moulded's full line of reisdential floor boxes are designed specifically for "poke through" wood floor construction applications. They are designed for use in many floor substrates, including carpet, hardwood, ceramic tile, and laminate. *Now available with SLIDERBOX® adjustable box, for new and old work applications.



Vapor Seal GroupNonmetallic Outlet Boxes with Vapor Seal

Vapor Seal products provide a solution to prevent air infiltration on envelope walls where "holes" for electrical switch and receptacle boxes are required and also meet the energy component of the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (402.4 IECC 2009).



PC244OWG4" Round Old Work Outlet Box

Allied Moulded Product's flexBOX® line has been expanded to include the PC244OW and PC244OWG four-inch, round outlet old work boxes. Our flexBOX products were developed for the electrical contractor looking for boxes with "soft box" characteristics.